Kyle Leahy

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Kyle's portfollio

Why did I choose Creative Digital Media?

I chose to study creative Digital Media because I have a major interest in many of the modules that the course has to offer.

The main draw to the course for me was the 3D design module, I have always had loved the visual effects used in movies and games and have always wanted to learn how to model theses designs for myself, in this course we used Blender which is a great tool for learning 3D modeling.

Before this course I had tried to teach my self how to use blender but wasn’t very successful in my original attempt.

what Is this page about?

This page is developed to show my personal skills that have been developed over the last two years studying creative digital media.

I personally feel that I have enhanced my skills a great deal since first beginning the course in 2020.

I also hope that this site will give a clear insight into the course for anyone who may be interested in learning Creative Digital Media.

There are 4 projects on display, the kenitic text assingment, the optical illsusion, the HSE video assingment for work exsperance and our blender work for the year.